C-ITS Pilot Dresden

Within the scope of C-Roads Germany – Urban Nodes different Cooperative Intelligent Transport System (C-ITS) pilot-services will be realised in Dresden.

The test track runs along on heavily loaded city, including main roads and access roads. The traffic lights in the corridors will be gradually upgraded for the vehicle-to-infrastructure-communication (V2I).

Overview of the test track in Dresden

 © Fraunhofer IVI

The project is coordinated by Fraunhofer Institute for Transportation and Infrastructure Systems IVI. Fraunhofer IVI is directly involved in the ETSI standardisation work and additionally, tests and implements ETSI standard C-ITS facilities in co-operation with industry partners.


The pilot focuses on the deployment of Day 1 and Day 1.5 services. These C-ITS pilot-services are based on the following C-ITS applications

Implemented services

probe vehicle data

green light optimal speed advisory

emergency vehicle approaching

vulnerable road user protection

Traffic signal priority request

partners involved

  • Fraunhofer Institute for Transportation and Infrastructure Systems IVI


Name Date

Dresden service GLOSA operational


Dresden services PVD and TSP operational


Dresden service VRU operational


Dresden service EVA operational


Dresden final demonstration event of all services

