C-ITS Pilot Dresden

As part of C-Roads Germany – Urban Nodes, various harmonised C-ITS services for connected driving were implemented in Dresden.

The corridors of the Dresden C-ITS pilot run along heavily loaded city streets, including main roads with a connecting function and access roads. Within the corridors, traffic light systems were gradually equipped for vehicle-to-infrastructure communication (V2I) via standardised messages.

Overview of the test ground in Dresden

 © Fraunhofer IVI

In close cooperation with industry partners, ETSI standards were implemented, harmonised C-ITS services were tested, implementations were further developed and guidance documents as well as requirements were made available for the targeted implementation of the services in Germany.


The pilot focused on the deployment of Day 1 and Day 1.5 services.


The project was coordinated by the Fraunhofer IVI.

Implemented services

probe vehicle data

green light optimal speed advisory

emergency vehicle approaching

vulnerable road user protection

Traffic signal priority request

partners involved

  • Fraunhofer Institute for Transportation and Infrastructure Systems IVI


Name Date

Dresden service GLOSA operational


Dresden service PVD operational


Dresden service TSP operational


Dresden service VRU operational


Dresden service EVA operational


Dresden final demonstration event of all services Q4/2024