C-its pilot hessen/kassel

Within the scope of C-Roads Germany – Urban Nodes the Hessian and the City of Kassel Cooperative Intelligent Transport System (C-ITS)-infrastructure will be developed and improved by extending the existing services and by implementing new C-ITS services in the urban and interurban area.

For the Hessian transport network, the services Emergency Vehicle Approaching (EVA) and Green Light Optimal Speed Advisory (GLOSA) will be extended. The following three new services will be implemented:


  • Connected and Cooperative Navigation into and out of the city (route advice),
  • Traffic Signal Priority (TSP),
  • Vulnerable Road User protection, e.g. bicyclists (VRU).

Overview of the test track in Kassel

 © City of Kassel, Urban Traffic and Roads Authority /Die Autobahn GmbH des Bundes, 2021

For the transport network of the city of Kassel the services GLOSA and TSP will be extended. Additionally the following three services will be implemented:

  • Road Works Warning (RWW)
  • Connected and Cooperative Navigation into and out of the city (route advice)
  • Probe Vehicle Data (PVD)

Thereby the following communication technologies will be deployed:

  • ETSI ITS G5 (short range) communication will be deployed with
    • 75 Roadside ITS Stations (R-ITS-S) in the test field of the city of Kassel and
    • 40 Vehicle ITS Stations (V-ITS-S) in public transport units of Kassel as well as
    • 10 R-ITS-S in the interurban area of Kassel and Rhine-Main region,
    • 4 V-ITS-S in police cars (Vev-ITS-S) and
    • 2 V-ITS-S in road operator vehicle (Vro-ITS-S).
  • Additionally, in some use cases information will be deployed into smartphone applications using cellular radio.

Implemented services

probe vehicle data

roadworks warning

green light optimal speed advisory

emergency vehicle approaching

Connected & Cooperative navigation


Traffic signal priority request

partners involved

  • German motorway operator Autobahn GmbH
  • Magistrat der Stadt Kassel
  • GEVAS software GmbH
  • SWARCO Traffic Systems GmbH
  • Hessen Mobil Straßen- und Verkehrsmanagement


Name Date

Feasibility study on Vulnerable Road User protection available


Service GLOSA operational


Services PVD, RWW, VRU operational and vehicle equipped for the services EVA and TSP


Service Route advice operational


Demonstration event of all hessian services
