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C-Roads Germany is one of 18 national pilots which trial cooperative services in a real traffic environment. The C-Roads Platform brings together authorities and road operators to harmonise the

implementation and deployment of cooperative intelligent transport systems (C-ITS) on European roads. The aim is to achieve the deployment of interoperable cross-border C-ITS services for road users in Europe. Various services which are to be served at the time of the C-ITS market launch will be tested in the German pilot locations of Hessen and Niedersachsen.


Since 2019, the deployment of C-ITS in urban areas has started with over 43 European cities. C-Roads Germany has also become urban. Within the framework of the C-Roads platform, the project C-Roads Germany – Urban Nodes will contribute to the implementation and operation of three different urban nodes in Hamburg, Hessen/Kassel and Dresden. The Action promotes the large-scale deployment of C-ITS in urban areas providing an adaptation model for the deployment of C-ITS services in Germany according to EU regulations and standards and in line with the recommendations of the C-Roads Platform. Expected benefits include the reduction of accidents and travel times in urban areas.


C-Roads is an important milestone for the near-termed realisation of connected, cooperative and automated driving.


C-Roads Germany (CRG)

CRG covers the following sub-activities:

  • Subactivity 1: C-ROADS Platform
  • Subactivity 2: Horizontal Activities
  • Subactivity 3: C-ITS Pilot Hessen
  • Subactivity 4: C-ITS Pilot Lower Saxony



Project duration: February 2016 – December 2020


Project capacity: €9,930,884


c-roads germany – Urban nodes (CRG-un)

CRG-UN covers the following sub-activities:

  • Subactivity 1: C-ROADS Platform
  • Subactivity 2: Horizontal Activities
  • Subactivity 3: C-ITS Pilot Hamburg
  • Subactivity 4: C-ITS Pilot Hessen/Kassel
  • Subactivity 5: C-ITS Pilot Dresden

Project duration: January 2019 – December 2024


Project capacity: €39,355,618

C-Roads is co-funded by the Connected Europe Facility of the European Union.